Saturday, January 31, 2009

Turning into a night owl!

Just when I was gettin it all together..gettin up at a decent hour in the morning and going to bed at a decent hour at night here I am up at 2:30am!! Oh well life is good!! Especially when you have a lots of love from a precious little boy!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am so the worst mother in the world. How anyone can say different I guess just doesn't know. My baby girl called for help and I told her to help herself. I feel so disgusted, hurt, confused and crazy. This last year has been the pits and it just seems to keep piling up. Just when I feel like I can breathe it hits the fan again!

I have so totally messed up! My head has been so stuffed up and I have felt so bad. We had the shower for Ashley and it was such fun. Clay really did take over 350 pictures of everyone. His camera is too cool. So we went to the hospital the next day to await the birth of our 8th grandson, 14th grandchild. Nikolas Cole 6lbs 3oz 20ins long. Good looking young man...looks like his Dad at this point. Oh and guess who took the!!

So now I am planning another shower for Jeannene & Brandon for granddaughter #7....the boys are in the lead..but then thats the story in this family!

Kevin will be home real soon...Yah!! Ok as Clay is so fond of reminding me..he will not be "home" as in home with his wife and girls but "home" as in the good ole USofA!! We will take what we can get, Okay?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hangin in there

I think I actually am doing pretty good. Things have been a bit busy and I had to audacity to be sick for two days..I guess not sick but sure didn't feel well. We had a baby shower on Saturday at Chris and Cheryls and as always with this huge wonderful family we had a great time. Then on Sunday we went to the hospital to await the little bundle. Nikolas Cole made his apperance at 10:58 am. He weighed 6ibs and 3ounces. He was 20 inches long with lots of dark hair. We are all very happy and congratulate Ashley and Preston on a job well done. Will add pics tomorrow when I can see what I am doing. I think the sleeping pill has kicked in!! Night Night!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Last night of first set

Here is the pic of Caeden & Popa I took yesterday, or was it the day before? Hmmm all the days kinda blend in when I am here without Clay. It just seems so weird. I have been a bit depressed, not wanting to do anything or see anybody. But I am sure it is something I will get over..Its just the idea of change. I don't do change very well. Clay seems to be happy in his new job and is all excited about everything...even writing reports. ?? I'm sure that will change..the report thing that is. I really think he is going to like this job. Tonight is the last night of his first set so we will see what happens tomorrow night. LOL

DJ came over tonight and brought Chinese!! Yay..I am the only one around here that likes it so when we get a chance we chow down. I love vegetable lomain...yum!

Tomorrow I have to go pick out a cake for Ashley's baby shower. I just hope Ashley gets to be there. She is supposed to be induced on the 18, that is the day after the shower. I really am surprised she has gone this long.

K so I am gonna go get a book and chill for a while.

Monday, January 12, 2009

4th day of being a night widow

So day or rather night I guess it will be okay..eventually.... but I really am not sure I am getting anywhere. I feel as tho I am getting less done. Things are so different. I actually cook breakfast and then dinner in almost the middle of the day. I find I am getting bored easily. So far Clay hasn't slept much later than I normally do. I know that once he gets on a regular shift and I do the same it will all be good.

My little buddy Caeden came over and spent the afternoon and evening with me. He kept asking where Popa was...he just doesn't understand the concept that Popa works at night now. He kept telling me no he wasn't at work. Chewy is also extremely confused about all of this too. Poor guy!

McGee is doing pretty good on the potty training issue. Thank goodness! He and Ms Kitty get along great...they run and play fight. At least I assume it is play since Ms Kitty hasn't brought out the claws yet. Its funny to watch her slap him around. Tomorrow McGee gets to go back to the vet and Chewy goes with him. Then in a couple of weeks Ms Kitty goes. These animals can get rather expensive! Ahh but they are so worth it.

We put up dark curtains in the bedroom today hoping that Clay will be able to sleep past 8:30. I hate it cause the bedroom is so dark...of course that was the idea...but I hate dark..unless its supposed to be dark...or its rainy..or I am overly depressed. But it really doesn't look bad..except the curtains are wrinkled. I may have to set the alarm in order to get up at a decent time tho. I may sleep as late as Clay..LOL if I did I guess I wouldn't have to worry about sleeping pills. Just sleep all day and stay up all night. Nah...I'd rather not. I reckon the puppies will make sure I get up early enough.

Alrighty then I guess I am thru for now. I took a really cute pic of Caeden & Clay so he could add another picture to his desk. Will post it tomorrow since it is on the other computer. Need to put pics on external hard drive..but even if I had it is in the other room.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Night two!

Ok here we are, night two of the new night job..for hubby not me....I suppose I will get used to it but to be honest I'm not sure right now...I mean two nights in a row...he didn't get home until almost 5 this morning. Amazingly I woke up when he got in bed. Things are just so different. Tonight I was so blah...stayed up later than usual last I am in bed right asleep soon. Chris came over and went over Clay's computer. It wasn't running right. It seems to be doing better but who knows. I went to Wal Mart with DJ and the girls this morning. I had to pick up a few things for Clay and exchange the ink I got that was wrong!! Grr that makes me mad..I mean I knew when I picked it up it was the wrong one. But got the right one today plus a hundred 4x6 photo sheets for like $3.00 more than just the ink. I like good deals! I also picked up a frame so I could send a pic of us with him to put on his desk :) Off to lala land...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here we go

Well this is it..the beginning of a new life. Hubby went to his new job tonight. I am used to being alone on Friday nights since he usually goes and plays poker....but we will see how the rest of the week plays out. I took a pic but am too lazy to get up and get the stuff I need to download it. He has called me three times. I don't plan on staying up until he gets home...well its possible that I might sometimes but as a rule no. I want to keep my schedule the same as I possible can..I do have to watch one grandchild in the afternoon..sometimes two.. Sure don't want to be too tired to do that. Plus I would like to be awake enough when he gets up to at least cook for him. If I get up same time he does won't be happening..well this boring movie is just about over. It has had some moments..but not many...the best one was when Sam Elliot showed up..whoo hooo!! Oh to bed..probably..Thank goodness for editing...I can put my pic in now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

All the new in the new year!

Now this is gonna be just like my journal I know the kind that you use an ink pen on and hope no one looks at it since you have things in it you really would rather people didn't see. LOL Not really..I mean I don't detail the sex life or getting angry at some people or my secret affair...hehe but anyway I don't write in it everyday and I doubt this will get done either...but I wanted to share some of the new stuff happening this year. First off, the most new and exciting is my husband starts a new job tomorrow as a Crime Scene Investigator. Actually he is in training, and I doubt there isn't too much he doesn't know. But whether he realizes it or not he loves to learn and this will be good for him. He has been on the streets for nearly 20 of September 1989 so I think he is ready for something new...especially since he plans on staying another 16 or so. So new job for life for me.

Next KEVIN COMES HOME SOON!! We are so looking forward to this and I know he is. He still has a year or so in the army and will be at Ft Hood, Texas during the duration but in the meantime he is on American soil and we can see him often. I know my daughter and his girls are so the new year gets off to a good start..

Along with those new things we also have two new grand babies coming at the end of January and the middle of February...such a joy...Nikolas Cole will be here around the 23rd if not before and Elizabeth Nicole (or it might be Eva Nicole) will be here around the 15th of February. Lots of things happening already this new much better than last new year...I mean we had babies then too but before they came along, I had to spend New Years Eve in the ER and was in the hospital later on that same month. So this year yeah we got some good stuff going on!!!

So today I have no company, no husband and no pets...WOW..that is an unusual occurrence in this house. LOL There is always something going on around here. Now if I really could get serious about losing some weight. I would settle for a size 12, which wouldn't take much...Its not really far from a size 9 that I wore for the most of my life. Pure laziness I think. Hmmm..what was that? Ahhh Ha..I forgot about Ms Kitty!! She is here somewhere but she is not always vying for my attention. Have a great day all!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Next time

So Saturday was a beautiful day..77 degrees at one point. I had the patio doors open, soft wind blowing...I was kicked back in my recliner...well actually that would be Clay's recliner but he wasn't home. Anyway the grandkids and the dogs were all out in the back playing and having a good ole time, as you can see if you are following Ashley's Blog. Later the same day it dropped 40 degrees and it was cold again...brrrrr!!

My husband called today to say he is to report the CSI Unit. He will go from being a street officer to a Crime Scene Investigator. He seems to be really excited. It is something he has wanted to do for quite some time but due to circumstances it just hasn't worked out. So now we know it's time to make a change and that is what we are doing. I say we because it will affect us both. He will be working different hours than the ones we have been used to over the years. Most likely he will be working nights now where he has worked days since we have been together.

But we will manage since next door is my little buddy Caeden, Well its off to sleepy land. I do beleive the sleep fairy just came by and dusted a little sleep powder in my eyes.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Second day of new year

I started this because Ashley thought it was a good idea...maybe..maybe not. The first day of this year, I slept late, ate blackeyed peas with a few family members, watched CSI and went to today starts the second day...and gee it was a day..I went over to Cherie's to see her new house..very nice..I like it...but watch out..that first step is a killer!!! LOL Before I ge to Cherie's tho I was cruising into Moore not paying a whole lot of is that stupid?..and guess what? Yep I got pulled over by a Moore motor jock. Now over the years I have had nothing but dislike and disgust for Moore police officers..look up A$$holes in the dictionary and you will find a pic of one...sorry...but that is just the kind of issues I have had with them. But this guy, Officer Gay, was a super nice it could have been because of my tag badge so he knew I had a hubby that was a police officer...and it probably was a lot of it..but he was still very nice. I truly believe he would have been a nice guy anyway...probably would have made me like getting a ticket..he was kinda cute!!

So now the question is, will I be able to do as Ashley does and keep this thing updated? Will Ashley be able too? I am a major procrastinator so who knows. I have no plans for this year...just get thru one day at a time. I have no ideas..well I would like to lose some weight but hey that has been an issue all my life. Will it change? Maybe. I really think if I wasn't so darned stressed all the time I might could do a lot of things..but I reckon thats just an excuse.

Today I feel majorly depressed and I haven't a clue why..I have had all evening to myself and now I am ready to go to bed. But why do I feel so blue? Ok well I better stop right here before I get stupid. Okay so we will see what happens night all!!