Monday, January 5, 2009

Next time

So Saturday was a beautiful day..77 degrees at one point. I had the patio doors open, soft wind blowing...I was kicked back in my recliner...well actually that would be Clay's recliner but he wasn't home. Anyway the grandkids and the dogs were all out in the back playing and having a good ole time, as you can see if you are following Ashley's Blog. Later the same day it dropped 40 degrees and it was cold again...brrrrr!!

My husband called today to say he is to report the CSI Unit. He will go from being a street officer to a Crime Scene Investigator. He seems to be really excited. It is something he has wanted to do for quite some time but due to circumstances it just hasn't worked out. So now we know it's time to make a change and that is what we are doing. I say we because it will affect us both. He will be working different hours than the ones we have been used to over the years. Most likely he will be working nights now where he has worked days since we have been together.

But we will manage since next door is my little buddy Caeden, Well its off to sleepy land. I do beleive the sleep fairy just came by and dusted a little sleep powder in my eyes.

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