Friday, January 2, 2009

Second day of new year

I started this because Ashley thought it was a good idea...maybe..maybe not. The first day of this year, I slept late, ate blackeyed peas with a few family members, watched CSI and went to today starts the second day...and gee it was a day..I went over to Cherie's to see her new house..very nice..I like it...but watch out..that first step is a killer!!! LOL Before I ge to Cherie's tho I was cruising into Moore not paying a whole lot of is that stupid?..and guess what? Yep I got pulled over by a Moore motor jock. Now over the years I have had nothing but dislike and disgust for Moore police officers..look up A$$holes in the dictionary and you will find a pic of one...sorry...but that is just the kind of issues I have had with them. But this guy, Officer Gay, was a super nice it could have been because of my tag badge so he knew I had a hubby that was a police officer...and it probably was a lot of it..but he was still very nice. I truly believe he would have been a nice guy anyway...probably would have made me like getting a ticket..he was kinda cute!!

So now the question is, will I be able to do as Ashley does and keep this thing updated? Will Ashley be able too? I am a major procrastinator so who knows. I have no plans for this year...just get thru one day at a time. I have no ideas..well I would like to lose some weight but hey that has been an issue all my life. Will it change? Maybe. I really think if I wasn't so darned stressed all the time I might could do a lot of things..but I reckon thats just an excuse.

Today I feel majorly depressed and I haven't a clue why..I have had all evening to myself and now I am ready to go to bed. But why do I feel so blue? Ok well I better stop right here before I get stupid. Okay so we will see what happens night all!!

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